Other Honored Title Holders
Honored individuals who now hold their titles for eternity are indicated with ∞
- Elsa Daniels, Queen Father (1)
- Lola, Queen Mother (1)
- Darcelle, Imperial Godparent (1)
- Rock, Imperial Godparent (1)
- Della Romanoff, Dame & First Lady in Waiting (1)
- Ike Gover, Imperial Court Cousin (2)
- Janie Guiterrez, First Lady to the Imperial Court (3)
- Lillian McKenchine, Imperial Friend (4)
- Daddy Frank, Uncle Frank (5)
- XXI Allison Grey, Auntie Allison (5)
- Carol Merrill, Vancouver’s Gay Mayor ∞ (6)
- Hurricane Olivia, Citizen of the Realm (6)
- Jerry Stultz, First Gentleman to Rain Emperor VII (7)
- Penny Michaels, Sister to Tree Empress XIX (19)
- Jane Arends, Citizen of the Realm (20)
- Shelley Smith, Citizen of the Realm (20)
- Paula Renfro, Grand Athena I (20)
- Minnie Rivers, Empress 20 ½ ∞
- Jason Diamond, Emperor 21½ ∞
- Tiffany Diamond, Empress 21½ ∞
- Gina Valdez Kennady Smith, Citizen of the Realm (21)
- Rachel Valdez Kennady Smith, Citizen of the Realm (21)
- Steve Houston, Emperor 22 ½
- Tonya Rose, Empress 22 ½
- Rhani D’Chae, Citizen of the Realm (22)
- Silky Smooth Ice, Citizen of the Realm (22)
- Timm Lake, Emperor 23 ½
- Tokyo Rose Butler, Empress 23 ½
- The Lovely Suzanne, Empress 24 ½
- Erik Hendrickson, Emperor 25 ½
- Poison Waters, Empress 25 ½
- Della Bouche, Citizen of the Realm (25)
- Sinnamen Snapp, Citizen of the Realm (25)
- The Lovely Johnny Emerald, Emperor 26 ½
- Caress Rockefeller D’Ville, Empress 26 ½
- Mr. Bruce Butler, Citizen of the Realm (26)
- Maria Peters Lake, Citizen of the Realm (26)
- Martin Storm, Emperor 27 ½
- Ronda Recoveree, Citizen of the Realm (27)
- Buttercup, Citizen of the Realm (27)
- Caress Rockefeller D’Ville, Citizen of the Realm (27)
- Patricia, Grandmother to the Empire (28)
- Shelley, Grandfather to the Empire (28)
- Cam, Citizen of the Realm (28)
- Alyssa, Citizen of the Realm (28)
- Travis Marie McFeely, Emperor 29 ½
- Neely O’Hara, Empress 29 ½
- Marvin Thee F.P., Citizen of the Realm (29)
- Grace DuBois, Citizen of the Realm (29)
- Sir Mark Allen Surreal, Emperor 30 ½
- Mr. Gregory Lucian, Emperor 30 ½
- Jenu-Wine Beaute’, Citizen of the Realm (30)
- Dan McKnight, Citizen of the Realm (30)
- Mark Surreal, Emperor 31 ½
- Allison Grey, Empress 31 ½
- Josef A. Foxx, Emperor 31 ½
- Starr 69, Empress 31 ½ and 32 ½
- Dennis, Emperor 32 ½
- Patrick Hunter G Emperor 33 ½
- Bertha Control Empress 33 ½
- Frank L, Imperial Brother to the Raintree (33)
- Chaise Manhattan, Citizen of the Realm (33)
- Summer Lynne Seasons, Citizen of the Realm (33)
- Daphne Bertha Storm, Citizen of the Realm (34)
- Donnie Doone, Citizen of the Realm (34)
- Krystal Lynn Benoit, The Empress of South South Vancouver (34)
- Pam Ambers, Queen Mother to Reign 34
- Dr. Chance deValmont Emperor 35 ½
- Kertie St. James DuPont, Empress 35 ½
- Glitter John, Citizen of the Realm (35)
- Rhoda Gravel, Citizen of the Realm (35)
- Tsunami Foxx, Citizen of the Realm (36)
- Char Star, Citizen of the Realm (36)
- Kimberlee Van Patten, Imperial Brother-In Law (36)
- Fabulanza, Imperial Sister (36)
- Elinor Doll St. James DuPont, Empress 37 ½
- David Conrad, Emperor 37 ½
- Granny DuPont, Citizen of the Realm (37)
- Auntie Foxx, Citizen of the Realm (37)
- Donny Dune, Emperor XXXVIII 1/2 (38)
- Tarell, Emperor XXXVIII 1/2 (38)
- Ciara Dela Rosa, Emperess XXXVIII 1/2 (38)
- Daphane Bertha Storm, Emperess XXXVIII 1/2 (38)
- Ciara Dela Rosa, Citizen of the Realm (38)
- Candi Wrapper, Queen Mother to the 38th Reign of the ISCRE (38)
- Howie Longworth, Citizen of the Relm (38)
- Carl Lucian, Citzen of the Relm (38)
- Richard Rochelle, Emperor 39 ½
- Jezzabelle Monroe, Empress 39 ½
- Tempest Windz Foxx, Citizen for Life (39)
- TJ Rockfeller, Citizen for Life (39)
- Matt Buchanan, Citizen for Life (40)
- Tim Brown, Citizen for Life (40)
- Scott Heifer, Protector of the Magic (40)
- Vanessa Vail Peters Lake, Brilliance of the Magic (40)
- Sunshine MacPherson DuPont Dix, Citizen for Life (41)
- J’Lee, Citizen for Life (41)
- Lady Delish, Citizen for Life (41)
- Jay DelaRosa, Citizen for Life (41)
- Vivica Valentine, Citizen for Life (42)
- Monica Boulevard, Citizen for Life (42)
- Jade LaRose, Citizen for Life (42)
- Steven Wardle, Citizen for Life (42)
- Rene Cordova, Citizen for Life (43)
- Scott Ward, Citizen for Life (43)
- Ariel Doll, Citizen for Life (43)
- Peter Storm Citizen for Life (44)
- Scott Seibert Citizen for Life (44)
- Cassie Nova Citizen for Life (44)
- Tia Valentine-Heifer Empress to Reign (44)
- Stevo from Hell Citizen for Life (45)
- Delorian Snow Citizen for Life (45)
- Kimberly Westwood Citizen for Life (45)
- Nesha Manirajd Citizen for life (45)
- Nesha Manirajd Citizen for Life (46)
- Nubbs from Hell Citizen for Life (46)
- Betty Desire Citizen for Life (46)
- Jimi Cricket Emperor 47 ½ (47)
- Mulan Rouge Empress 47 ½ (47)
- Chad Hammer Citizen for Life (47)
- Ty VanHelsing Citizen for Life (47)
- Bob Monroe Citizen for Life (48)
- VJayJay Citizen for Life (48)
- Misha Rockefeller Citizen for Life (48)
- Christina Phoenix St James Citizen for Life (48)
- Adriene Alexander Citizen for Life (49)
- Christina Drake Citizen for Life (49)
- Skyy Martini Ice Citizen for Life (49)
- Pup Kix Citizen for Life (49)